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Tooth Wisdom Blog

The Importance of AAO Certification

Be sure to have the best experience when you go to the orthodontist

It’s easier than ever to find the best mechanic, painter, or landscaper in your area, but it’s still a challenge to find the top doctors. One reliable sign of quality is certification from a major professional society. In the case of orthodontics, that is the American Association of Orthodontics (AAO), a nationwide group of practicing professionals committed to developing and improving the field.

Why Make AAO Certification a Priority?

Having certification from the AAO tells you a lot about the practice as a whole:

Work with the Best Doctors

After securing AAO certification, orthodontists have access to a wide range of learning and reference resources. The Academy also plans and hosts professional development opportunities around the country. Doctors with the certification take pride in being true experts on the subjects of orthodontics.

Rely on Exemplary Support Staff

The AAO does not exist strictly to support doctors. The Academy also makes a number of resources available to support staff, including a specialized certification designating expert practitioners. You will spend a lot of time with your orthodontist, but also the staff around them. Working with true professionals always leads to a better overall experience.

Ensure a Positive Office Experience

In addition to the science of orthodontics, the AAO is focused on the business of running an orthodontics practice. A variety of educational materials and experts are available to help doctors administer a better practice. A focus on service helps to eliminate common hassles with scheduling, billing, and ongoing support for you the patient.

Take Advantage of the Latest Advances

The field of orthodontics is developing all the time, identifying new tools and techniques to do more for people with alignment issues. Members with AAO certification are in constant conversation about better ways to practice this delicate type of medicine. When you go in for treatment, the latest and greatest treatment options are available to you.

Encourage Positive Outcomes

Correcting alignment issues are important, for both your health and your self-esteem. It’s also often a long process, a big personal commitment, and a new expense to consider. Considering how important the correction is for so much of your future, why not be sure you’ll have a great relationship with your orthodontist’s office? Insisting on AAO certification is a great start.

MyOrthodontist – Proud to be AAO Certified

In addition to AAO Certification, MyOrthodontist has been accredited by the Southern Association of Orthodontists, the North Carolina Dental Society, the American Dental Association, and others. When you or someone you know needs the assistance of an orthodontist, our offices are equipped to handle anything and everything.

Find MyOrthodontist orthodontist closest to you, and make an appointment at your convenience.

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